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Labour Market Research Report

Workforce Diversity Series, 2021- All Factsheets

Taking the first step in the development of an equitable and inclusive environmental workforce in Canada requires an improved understanding of the current levels of diversity across the sector. To this end, these factsheets, based on a national survey of employers, look to provide a profile of diversity across the environmental workforce in Canada.

Taking the first step in the development of an equitable and inclusive environmental workforce in Canada requires an improved understanding of the current levels of diversity across the sector. 600 employers representing over 987,500 employees across Canada took part in our survey conducted from January through to March 2021. Survey respondents were asked for demographic data about their green workers which comprised 8%, or 86,000 employees across all companies surveyed.

Fill in the form to the right to download all the factsheets on diversity from our sample of green workers.

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Workforce Diversity Series, 2021- All Factsheets

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