Empower Global Environmental Education
Become a leader in environmental education abroad by joining our accredited network and setting global standards.
Post Secondary Education
Strengthen Environmental Career Pathways through our Academic Programs
Adding Value to Post-Secondary Programs and Students’ Education
We enhance environmental courses and give students a competitive edge through our education programs.
International Post-Secondary Program Accreditation
Now more than before, post-secondary programs are required to produce graduates equipped to integrate into the evergrowing environmental and sustainability workforce. Students need to prepare to tackle the environmental challenges of the present and future at the local, regional, and global levels. Our accreditation program supports these goals.

More Information
ECO Canada Environmental Program Accreditation provides objective, formal validation of your program’s commitment to exceptional education and alignment with employers’ expectations and labour market needs. Click on Become Accredited below for more details on the accreditation program and how to apply.
Is your program still in development or has your first cohort not graduated yet? Apply for Qualified Candidate Status.
List of Accredited Programs in Canada and Internationally
ECO Canada’s Accreditation program has supported academic excellence and school-to-work transition in Canada since 2010. We have recently begun to expand our accreditation program internationally. Click the buttons below for a complete list of accredited programs in Canada and internationally.