A Guide to Successful Networking for Introverts and Extroverts

ECO Canada 105 12 Avenue Southeast #400, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Want to be more effective at communicating with others, especially when networking? Mark your calendar and join Russ Dantu in person on September 15, 2023, to help with exactly that! The session is engaging, interactive, and fun, with lots of time practicing pitches and learning how to work the room in a safe environment. Bonus: Early Bird […]


Business Communication & Storytelling Skills


In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is paramount for success in any professional setting. This workshop goes beyond traditional communication techniques to explore the art of storytelling as a powerful tool for engaging and influencing your audience. Whether you're pitching a project, delivering a presentation, or simply communicating with colleagues, mastering the art of storytelling […]

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Merci pour votre patience et compréhension pendant que nous finalisons la version améliorée du site.

Website in Development

We are working to launch the French site very soon!

Thank you for your patience while we finalize the new and improved version of our website.