EP® Mentorship Program
In-Depth Career Guidance Exclusive to Members
Enhance Your Education
Mentorship creates great leaders and can be very rewarding
Whether you are just starting out and need direction, or you are a seasoned professional and wish to help others follow in your footsteps, this mentoring program is worth your time.
Through the Mentorship Program, our senior EP® leaders act as mentors to qualifying Environmental Professional in-training (EPt) members or protégés.
Through our online platform, we can match mentors and proteges based on area of specialty, location, personal traits and other characteristics to ensure the dynamic will be meaningful. The formal program last 8 months but many matches maintain the relationship long after it has completed.
Best of all, the program is flexible and can be adapted to your schedule and goals!
What’s in it for you?
This program is exclusive to members that have obtained their professional designation. The many benefits include:
- Improve EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
- Learn to give and accept constructive feedback
- Gain respect and recognition in your field
- Achieve professional goals and successes
- Develop valuable people management skills
- Push outside of your comfort zone
- Share challenges and concerns with a confidant
- Develop skills to help market your personal brand
- Open yourself up to new ideas and new ways of doing things
All program participants will receive 4 PDC (professional development credits) towards their annual requirement.
EPt members – gain a resource to help create and update your EPt Professional Development Plan available through your EPt PD Training Framework

MentorCity At Your Fingertips
Engage, motivate, and connect with like-minded and experienced Environmental Professionals through our mobile platform.
The MentorCity App is a powerful personal development tool that tracks your engagement, goals and guides you through the mentoring process effortlessly.
The role of a mentor is multi-faceted. Whether formal or informal, it will evolve as the needs of the protege change. A strong mentor can be a role model, coach, sounding board, voice of reason, emotional support, counselor, and a trusted resource.
The role of a protégé is to take the lead in engaging the mentor and providing as much feedback and insight that will help the mentor guide and provide value.
Mentorship Success Over the Years
How This Works
Step 1.
Step 2.
Note: At this stage, protégés are required to complete 2 courses in order to proceed.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Take your next steps
Join the Mentorship Program Today
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