
High-Performance Energy Building Codes within Indigenous Communities

The High-Performance Energy Building Codes within Indigenous Communities course, developed with building science experts, aims to educate participants on the National Building Codes (NBC) and National Energy Codes of Canada for Buildings (NECB).

Speaker: Trevor Trainor
President and Building Science Specialist

Trevor Trainor is the President and a Building Science Specialist at Bawating Building Science. He specializes in the performance of wall and roof systems in extreme, cold climates and applying the principles of building science to Indigenous housing issues. His experience in lab and field research, hygrothermal modeling and forensic investigations gives him a unique perspective in the development of high-performance building enclosure designs.

During this workshop, you will learn the following:

  • Structure of NBC and NECB
  • Purpose of NBC and NECB
  • Role and importance of NBC and NECB
  • Benefits of adopting NBC and NECB

This is an instructor-led course with discussion groups and Q&A sessions throughout. We encourage all participants to take part in discussions. Please contact if you have any questions.

Get Started:

Regular Price:
Course Length:
3 Hours
Career Stage:
All Career Stages
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